Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Chapter 21

"Hey! Did you see what V got me for the Twin's birthday. A mini van. I can be a real soccer mom now!" *glazed, vapid look*

Yeah, I can tell you're real thrilled. I also saw what you and V did after he showed you the mini van.

"Ah... er... the 'new car smell' got to us."

Sure... I saw the want spin up there.

"So?! Oh, did you realize how far those bucket seats in the back recline? And if you adjust the seat just like..."

Er... thank you... no... keep your backseat adventures to yourself... please...

And so the long toddler days begin. With some things, the Twins catch on really quickly...

And with some others... not so much. Alexi especially is a bit of a stinker about learning new things. We finally gave up on teaching the toddler skills until someone was far enough in the gold they could make smart milk *sigh*

K2! Just what do you think you're doing?

"Clay was walking by. I was just greeting him and inviting him in for dinner."

I kind of doubt that. That's one hell of a way to say "hi".

"Er, would you believe I'm working on my aspiration?"

*shakes head slowly* K2, did you ever stop to realize you're doing the same thing you've been all stressed out over, thinking that your husband was thinking about doing the same thing?

*confused look* "Huh?... er... Oh!... ah, yeah, I guess you're right." *hangs head abashed*

Where is your husband anyway?

"I think he was off cleaning stuff in the house. Last I saw him he was scrubbing the bathroom for the second time today."

Yeah, V does get a little too chipper and excited when he's off to clean something...

And, knowing how well he likes Clay, V was more than happy to clean his clock for him. *sigh*

So Rhyl called her daddy out to help her make a snowman in the backyard... so the penguin could come and harass it later.

We distracted K2 by sending her over with Kabrina to pick out a new hairstyle. See what I meant when I said she'd be even cuter once she changed her hair.

And here's Kabrina's stats: She's a Pisces with 6 neat, 3 outgoing, 10 active, 3 playful, and.... 10 nice. Poor girl will never survive in this house full of meanies.

And for those of you who bet that Alexi escaped the curse of the bear jammies, time to pay up. He doesn't look too excited about being stuck in them either. Can't say I blame him. They've got to be scratchy.

He'll get his makeover in a little bit, but in the meanwhile, here's his stats: Alexi is a Scorpio (like his father and sister) with 10 neat, 9 outgoing(!!), 10 active, 4 playful, and 2 nice. 9 outgoing? WTF did that come from? K2 has even fewer outgoing points than V (she has 2 vs his 3). *facepalm* Gah, mean and brazen.

Rhyl and V finished up their snowman just in time for dinner. And also just before both of them froze solid and took a header into the snowdrifts. I should've had them build the snowmen in the front yard. It'd definitely keep the door-to-door salesmen away... unless Free Cheese has a Green River Ordinance.

V and Clay were actually rather civil at dinner. That or V was just too cold to do anything (although another fight probably would've heated him right up).

Oh, notice our uninvited guest there in the background? Yeah, the penguin will walk around the house to get to the snowmen in the back, but will he walk around the house to leave? No, he cuts right through the middle of the house. *facepalm* Oy. Maybe I'll have to leave a fish or two sitting out.

And so we leave K2 and V catching up on a bit of house maintenance. Things got a little plugged up and broken during the birthday party. Why they didn't hire a handyman, I'll never know. V doesn't seem too overly happy to be wrestling with the toilet, and K2... well, at least it's not Strangetown. Trash compactors kill there, you know. But then, Free Cheese is a bit strange, in its own way...

Back to Chapter 20
Forward to 'Mishaps'


Blogger MysticSpirit said...

My goodness!! What is UP with K2?! I thought she was a KNOWLEDGE sim! Maybe ... well, just MAYBE ... she's curious about the dynamics of adultery in a marriage and is conductive extensive research? Maybe? :OD

May 22, 2007 at 8:06 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

You certainly had your hands full with this family.

I believe you have some of the cheekiest sims ever.

June 26, 2007 at 1:19 PM  

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