Chapter 15
And we're back for another round of celebrity pregnancy club... er... okay, we're here for chapter 15, the one where Rhyl grows up and baby #2 joins the household. And in truth, Rhyl can't grow up soon enough, because I'm starting to get ill from listening to K2 and all her baby talk.
Because Rhyl is either slow on the uptake or stubborn as as mule, it took us up until the last moments of toddlerhood to potty train her. No time for a party this time around. K2 got Rhyl to the cake just moments before her transition.
Careful there punkin. Don't take out the ceiling light as you grow up. That would certainly leave a mark in the morning.
And yay! No yellow this time around. She's into girly pink. I love these pjs.
"Yay! No more bear jammies!"
I can't blame you for being glad to be rid of 'em Rhyl. I swear that's the only thing you've worn the past two days.
"The way V's staring at me... you don't think he suspects, does he?"
Suspects what? What have you done now K2?
"That the reason Rhyl was stuck in the bear jammies was because I broke the zipper and couldn't get them off her."
No, I think he's just feeling paternal and all. His baby girl did just grow up.
"As much as I'm into this huggy feely thing, and would really love to... ah... take it elsewhere... it just ain't going to work right now."
"He's between me and the cake, dammit."
"Do NOT get between a pregnant woman and her cake. I'd hate for V to lose an appendage."
There are a lot of ladies who would be a bit upset about that, I think.
That's quite a belly you've got going there K2. You sure you're not having twins? This has been a pretty rough pregnancy for you.
"Oh it had better not be twins. I'm not looking forwards to going through that whole birthing again. Having to do it twice? Someone would have to die."
It won't be that bad. I've always heard that the second childbirth is easier than the first.
"Grrr... stop annoying the pregnant woman while she's eating."
Another slice of cake? Is that #2 or #3?
"Shut Up! I'm frickin' starving!"
"Moooommmm. I hear strange voices. Can we move? I think my room is haunted."
"That's our controller, dear, not a ghost. Just ignore her and she'll eventually shut up."
No, this pic is not here to show these two being all lovey, nor is it to show off how big K2's belly is. It'd be better if I'd gotten a screen cap with Rhyl's queue in it. She's all geared up to have someone read to her. Anyone. She's constantly trying to ask K2 or Vlad to read to her. She was the same way as a toddler. Her fun and social can be completely maxxed (and everything else in the red) and she'll still be trying to get someone to read to her. I've never had a child this obsessed with books. Oy.
And so Rhyl heads off to her first day of school. She actually transitioned into a good outfit. Of course, she kind of blends into the shirt, but the pink goes so cute with it.
And *BAM*, Rhyl is back from her first day at school and she doesn't seem too thrilled about it.
"Mooooommmm! What's this mean: 'Does not play well with others'? Teacher wrote it on this note I'm supposed to give you."
Speaking of not playing well with others, our afternoon walkby today happened to be Orlando Bertino, annoying little bugger. K2 and Rhyl were right by the trash can when he walked up and, bold as brass, just kicked it over.
So I sent Rhyl over to greet him and ask him to play catch. That'll teach him to kick over K2's trash can. *evilsnicker*
Of course, Rhyl would never bean someone with the ball while playing catch. She's as innocent at the day she was born. Just look at her... butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.
Hmm... that pose seems awfully familiar though.
I have no idea where I've seen it before, though. Vlad would certainly never bean his pregnant wife.
"Not if he knows what's good for him."
"Um... HellooOOOoo...."
What's up K2?
"I think it's time to do this baby thing again. I'm feeling all crampy and stuff."
Already? Wow, the time's just flown by, hasn't it?
"Something feels different this time too."
Well, they say your second baby comes into the world a lot faster than your first one.
But don't worry, Vlad's... er... the gardener's here to help in case you have any problems.
"Oh fat lot of good she'll do! V better get his ass over here! I'm not doing this by myself."
Don't worry, he's on his way, looking terribly concerned as usual. *sigh*
Vlad, you might want to step it up a bit, before K2 takes things out on the gardener or something. Good hired help is hard to find.
"About time he showed up. I really didn't want to have to ask Carmen there for help. Who knows what crap she has on those gloves."
Luckily you didn't need any help though, what with Vlad being late to the party and all.
"Late to the party? Oh no, he's right on time."
"V, make yourself useful and hold your daughter. I've still got sh#t going on here.
This doesn't mean what I think it means, does it K2?
"Okay, let me officially state now that I hate you and this whole challenge thing and also that if V tries to touch me again before our kids are in high school, I'll rip his lips off."
You say that now.
"Shut up! It's time for round two."
Round two?
Um, as happy as I am to welcome twin #2 into the world here K2, I can't help to notice there's something a little different about this one.
"Nonsense. He's absolutely perfect, just like his sister."
So this little guy is your first born son? Congratulations. But... ah... shouldn't he have Vlad's skintone, just like his sisters?
"No, he's got the right skintone. The girls get V's and the boys get mine. That's the agreement V and I have."
Wait a minute, you and Vlad have an agreement about your kids? You did this just to annoy me, didn't you?
"It's fun to watch you pound your head on the keyboard."
Allow me to introduce you to Kabrina Black, second daughter and the elder twin. We'll have to wait until she's a toddler to find out how similar she is to her sister.
And this fellow is Alexi Black, second twin and K2 and Vlad's firstborn son. Like his sisters, he inherited Vlad's eyes and hair, but thanks to K2's little 'agreement', he's got her skin colour.
So K2, since Alexi got your skintone, does this mean he's going to grow up to be a Mama's Boy? *snicker*
Time for Kabrina's first bottle? Heh. With two of them you're really going to be hopping. You might even have to... *gasp*... hire a nanny. *snicker*
"Well if V would actually lend a hand here instead of dropping everything to answer the damn phone...."
He did that?
"Yeah. I'd just tucked Alexi in when he shoved Kabrina into my hands and rushed off to grab the phone. Like WTF? I told him to let it ring. Whoever it is, they can frelling call back later. We're having a family moment here. Who the hell could be so important that he'd nearly drop his own daughter to talk to them?
LOL!!! "Mooom, I hear voices!" Hahahaha, poor Rhyl...
And no removal of poor Vlad's appendages! Vlad does not ever need to be seen as a eunuch. ;) Male servant, sure! Castrated male servant? No way!
Loved the comment about the bear jammies, LOL! Poor Rhyl...
I tried to edit it to say "limb" or "hand" but K2 started pitching a fit at me, saying how I'm always 'censoring her words'. I decided it was safer not to annoy the bitchy pregnant lady.
Ow! Hey, why'd you kick me in the knee K2?. That smarts.
And the twins have arrived! WOOT! Alexi is gonna be a heartbreaker.
Now ... about Vlad. Who IS on the phone ... who is so damned important that he'd nearly drop his child to answer it??? It better NOT be that one chick!!
"That's our controller, dear, not a ghost. Just ignore her and she'll eventually shut up."~~LMAO!!!
Oh no! The gardener is there to help with the baby?? Vlad sure doesn't seem to be moving too fast there either.
Who called Vlad on the phone???
Awww. Rhyl grew up so cute. And no wonder K2 was so big! Twins! Hooray! Vlad seems to be casual about everything. Does he ever get excited???
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