Chapter 18

Rory's being a bit more friendly today and finally let me update everyone on how things have been going for him.
One of the first things he did after moving in was to call the local animal shelter and adopt a pet. This is Ronroneo, an elder kitty that Rory was happy to give a warm and loving home to. Ronroneo's got a warm kitty bed, a scratching post in the front window, and all the catnip mice his little furry heart desires.

Later in the week Rory gave another Kitty a warm and loving home when he asked his college sweetheart to marry him. She said yes, of course, and they planned their wedding for a warm autumn day a few weeks later.

They invited all their college friends and neighbors to their little shindig, which they held out back between the greenhouse and the pond.

Even little Rhyl Black attended, though she spent most of the ceremony and reception out front, raking up the leaves. *facepalm*

There was an uncomfortable moment, however, when the groom started spouting little pink hearts for someone other than the bride. Luckily Kitty didn't notice, but everyone else did (Clay and Vlad look none-too-pleased about it either)

After returning from their honeymoon, the happy couple settled in and were soon expecting their first child. This is little Owen Murphy. He has his father's eyes and his mother's hair and skin tone.

Life is a cycle, however: life, death, rebirth. Sadly, shortly after little Owen's birth, it came time for Ronroneo to pass over the rainbow bridge. I hadn't been expecting Grimmy to visit for a while yet, as Ronroneo's elder life bar was only half filled. I'd even queued up Kitty to go play with him and give him some love, as she wanted to be best friends with him and was very very close to it. Now she wants to see his ghost. Kitty and Rory sobbed for hours.
That's Max the German Shepherd there in the lower left. His puppy love Addie (also a shepherd) is behind Kitty.

It wasn't long, however, before there was a new face in the Murphy house. Caitlyn Murphy, also with her father's eyes and her mothers hair and skintone, joined Rory, Kitty, and Owen one bright spring morning. She...

"Whoa! Wait a minute! I thought this blog was all about me, not Farm Boy and his Pig-tail Princess!"
Actually, in case you forgot, the challenge -- and hence this blog -- is about Vlad, your husband. Oh, and with Alexi's birth you guys have finished the challenge part of it.
"Well yippee skippee. That still doesn't explain why you've been hanging out everywhere but here the last couple chapters."
Well, you two weren't the only ones going through college at the same time. There were some other folks there. I just wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to graduate, settle down, start families... but if you feel you've been out of the limelight too long...

"Um... yeah... well... talking about my husband and starting families and stuff... we've got a family here. Why's he neglecting them to spend all his time talking to her?"
They're just friends.
"Friends my Aunt Fanny!"
Really, they're just very good friends. Oh,

don't check in his pants pockets when you're doing the laundry.
"Why not?"
You might find some... um... photobooth pictures. Of them. Together. Downtown.

"What! V was on a date with her. Downtown. And they were doing it in the photobooth!"
Ew! No! They never did it anywhere. Ever.
"Then what the hell was he doing downtown with her?"

He'd gone out for dinner and stuff with some friends...

And some not quite friends.

But mostly he was with a bunch of his good friends from college.

"But... but... they're my friends too. Where was I? Why didn't anyone invite me?"
You were home, bitchy and bloaty, pregnant with The Twins. Can't say I really blame Vlad for wanting to get away for an evening.
"Why do you say that?"
Well, you haven't been exactly nice to him lately. Anything but, it seems like.
"It was the hormones. That and I was cranky because one of the Twins kept tap dancing on my bladder."
Heh. That was probably Alexi. Anyway, did you explain that to Vlad, or apologize to him?
"Er... ah... no. I guess maybe I should do that."
You're a bit late with it, don't you think?

"Wait. You don't mean to say that because I've been mean and bitchy and because the challenge is over, V's out looking for love somewhere else, from... *sniff*... someone else... like... her?"

I've said nothing of the sort. I keep telling you those two are just friends. Well, it's all they should be, at least.
Oh... ah... don't ask to see his want panel, though.

"I don't need to. I can tell that's not my face V's spun there."
I'm sure as soon as his wants refresh, your face will pop back up.
"I don't know... *sniff*... You were right. I have been a little bit bitchy."
Don't go getting weepy on me. Most of it's all still hormones anyway. Probably.
"There's only one thing to do at a time like this."
I hope you're not planning on going to cry in a corner or devour a whole cheesecake.

"I'm going shopping!"
What?! What happened to your plan to apologize to Vlad?
"Rhyl sweetie, you want to go shopping with Mom?"
"Coommming Mooommm! Hey! Can I get a new shirt? The kids at school were making fun of this one. I had to poke Brittany Parker three times before she shut up."

Chapter 18 Out-take
Ronroneo showed back up a few days later as a ghost. My first pet ghost. But... um... I think I may not let any more pets pass over. The little kitty urn he left behind was very sad and very, very familiar.
Well, maybe I'll just let the dogs pass over...
*wanders off to snuggle her Bibby-kitty*
Bye bye Ronnie-kitty (since I can't spell his true name this early in the morning). And what'dya mean his urn looked familiar?
Anyway ... poor K2. She's neglected her husband, and now he's looking elsewhere for the lovin'. :O(( Poor K2.
Shopping (for some) is a nice break from the pain ... but she's gotta come home sometime!
"...And what'dya mean his urn looked familiar?..."
I lost my own Goob-kitty last fall to cancer. His urn sits on our house altar now. Ronroneo's passing over was just a little too familiar and close to home, especially when the little kitty urn appeared in a "poof".
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