Thursday, May 3, 2007

Chapter 14

When we left K2 and her happy family last chapter, we had some needy ladies in the household.

Newly toddlerized Rhyl needed a bottle and her Mr Bunny Head.

While K2 had needs of a... different sort.

Ah, ACR strikes again... *snickers*

It's a fun mod to play with, but it'll be coming out before I go back to the Holldums. It tends to throw some very... interesting... monkey wrenches into the works over in Strangetown.

Interesting pajamas there K2. I don't remember you having those before the wedding.

"They're not exactly pajamas."

Well, they're not your undies either. Where did you...

"Like I'm going to tell you my secrets. Now back off."

Boy, someone's testy. Normally you're in a better mood after you've been rumpling the sheets.

"Yeah, well, my Simmy Sense has been going crazy, like something bad has happened."

And how many times do I have to tell you, you don't have 'Simmy Sense'. *notices the ACR pop up in the corner* Although if you did, I suppose it might have reason to be going off right now.

*glare* "You wouldn't be implying..."

Hey look, Rhyl's awake. Why don't you throw some real clothes on and go help her with her potty training.

"I don't see why V was grumbling about this earlier. It doesn't seem too hard. Just park Rhyl on the cute little kiddy potty and let her do her thing."

I don't think it was the training part he had issue with. It was the cleaning the potty afterwards that he had issue with.

"Yeah, but the maid will do that. Remington should be here shortly."

Yeah, I know this, you know this, but Vlad's 10 neat points can't wait that long.

Um, isn't your daughter a little young for toilet humor?

"Oh puh-leeze. This is a children's story. 'Mr. Toidy and the Happy Hands Club.'"

*blink blink* Excuse me?

*looks exasperated* "It's about bathroom hygiene."

Ah. Well, I guess she's never too young to learn to wash her hands. We could do without the funny voices for the talking toilet, though, I think.

*snickers* Little problem there K2?

"Just a little acid reflux. I was kinda bent over at on angle reading to Rhyl."

Uh huh. Feeling a little queasy too?

"Just what the hell are you trying to say?"

Oh nothing, nothing at all.

"I know what you're thinking! I am not pregnant. Rhyl's barely a toddler. There's no way I'm expecting again."

If you say so. Why don't you go have a nice nap and we'll have Vlad take up the toddler training.

I feel your pain Vlad. I'm beginning to wonder if Rhyl will ever learn any of her toddler skills. I realize that it may be a bit of a slow going, since neither you nor K2 have high enough aspirations to make smart milk, but it shouldn't take her this long to learn to talk.

Not like your wife could help by making smart milk at the moment even if she was gold.

More bad chili?

"Actually I think the lettuce I had in salad earlier had some funny stuff on it. I mean, it looked fine and tasted fine, but you've heard about all the problems they've had with lettuce and spinach making people sick."

And there could be no other possible reason for you to be getting better acquainted with Mr. Toidy?

"Dammit, I am not pregnant again!"

Well, Rhyl eventually got around to learning to talk later that night. I'm concerned that either
she's not the sharpest spoon in the drawer or else she's incredibly stubborn. I'm hoping on the latter.

And in the background, K2 rocks out to her recent re-stolen MP3 player.

"What the hell? Why are you all starting at me?!"

You really should be a little careful with the language around your daughter.

"Oh @*$# &@@!"

Boy, queasy and moody...

"V, I'm starting to get a little tired of all these snide hints and implications that I'm pregnant. I mean, Rhyl just had her birthday. It's way too soon to be thinking about more kids, isn't it? There's no way I could be pregnant again already."

No, I don't think it's too early to be thinking about more kids. In fact, I don't think you have a choice about it.

"Aaaahhhh!!! F*@#!!"

Well, that is what got you in this condition.

I'd ask you if your husband had anything to say about the situation, since he only talks to you, but...

he's kind of distracted at the moment. *snicker*

Vlad's beloved telescope was struck by lightning during the morning thunderstorm. He went flying out of bed and out to the front lawn to panic over it.

Well, it seems that at least one of you is excited about the upcoming addition to the family.

"I don't know which of you to strangle first."

Hey, you're the one who was feeling all frisky. I had nothing to do with you actually making the rolls for ACR's pregnancy chance. *chuckle* Now go shoo Vlad off to teach Rhyl how to walk. We've only got a day or two before she grows up, and at the rate she's been learning it'll take the entire time to each her.

And I'm not kidding. Father and daughter started out working on this walking thing in the morning...

and were still going at it well into the afternoon. Needless to say, I'm concerned that there may not be enough time to get her potty trained by the time her birthday comes around.

Hey, I thought Vlad was teaching her to walk. He had the want spun up. You've got potty training instead.

"Yeah, well, he went outside to mourn his telescope."

He better not start whining over it, or I'll buy him the one with the 10X on the side.

"Besides, I thought that maybe a change of teacher might help Rhyl learn faster."

Dunno. She is a Daddy's girl. But if you think it'll help.

"Aw, that's Mama's little sweety. That wasn't so tough now, was it?"

Well truthfully, she did only have a little nubbin left in her skill bubble when Vlad abandoned her to cry about his telescope.

"Oh gods, she's going to be into everything now, isn't she?"

Yep. Luckily for you she won't be a toddler much longer. Now why don't you go put her down for a nap. Her energy bar is awfully low and, considering she's got her father's one nice point, she's going to get very cranky very quickly if she doesn't get her nap.

Your fun bar is a little low as well...

"Ba da da dada dah dum. Ba da da dada dah dum. Ba da da dada dah dum. Ba da da dada dah dum. That's o-kay!"

I think we'll wrap this chapter up here because we've still got a lot ahead of us. A certain little lady has a birthday coming up, and son #1 or daughter #2 needs to make their appearance. And who knows what'll happen after that.

-- Chapter 15 --


Blogger Kethwyn said...

And I figured I'd add this comment before Captain A said anything, since she's speculated about K2 being preggo again last chapter. K2 wasn't pregnant at the time I shot Chapter 13... although she certainly didn't wait too long after Chapter 14 started to get that way. *chuckle*

May 3, 2007 at 2:57 AM  
Blogger Oydie said...

I tried to cheat and take a peek at chapter 15, Oh well!

May 3, 2007 at 4:08 AM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

Teehee! I'm psychic. *LOL* I told ya she was preggers. All of your implying of her cranky state got me to thinking that in a near update, you'd show us a new baby bump. ;OD) Hehe. She may not have been preggers in chapter 13, but we all knew it was coming! :OD)

*mourns Vlad's telescope*

May 3, 2007 at 9:14 AM  

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