Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Chapter 9

Now when K2 and Vlad moved out of the dorms, I had an idea about what was going to go on before they settled down and proceeded on making a houseful of rugrats. Work for a short bit to build up a nest egg and maybe make those LTWs, a few dates downtown to keep 'em platinum otherwise, then a nice wedding ceremony to invite all the college buddies to, that sort of thing.

But you know what they say about the best laid plans o' mice and men...

"Why is it that every time you open your mouth, the time until V and I can be together keeps growing?"

Because if I'd told you from the start, you'd have thrown a fit and half. Now quit dawdling; someone's waiting to go shopping with you.

And I think he's very happy to see you.


"Dammit, there's no photo booth."

No there isn't, thank goodness, or we'd never get this underway.

They managed to delay the start of this shopping trip for several minutes anyway. *sigh*

I see that thought bubble there young lady. Come on, get yourself inside.

"Why do we have to have a big old wedding with a scratchy dress anyway?"

Because I like tormenting you that way.


And you might call it practice for upcoming events in other stories.

"Well why did V have to come? He's got to be bored stiff by this sort of s##t. Or at least I can hope he is *snicker*"

Why do I take you anywhere?

Both of you keep spinning up little wants to do things like talk to each other and entertain each other. I figured I could kill two birds with one stone. Now go pick out a couple things and try them on.

"So what do you think about this one?"

Other than it being the wrong color.

"Well if you're going to be picky about color, then you know I really shouldn't be wearing white, since V and I were getting all busy in college."

No, what I mean is that that dress would be fine for a spring wedding, but we're looking at something in the late summer or early autumn. Besides, I think you should wear white, regardless of what you did to each other in college.

"How about this one then?"

Er... no... a little too Maxian I think.

"Please tell me you aren't serious about this one."

Why? What's wrong with it?

"After that whole 'spring colors' and 'brides wear white' comment? Please. It's seafoam for Stinky Pete's sake."

Heh. No, I'm not serious about it for your dress. I just wanted you to try it on. It reminds me of my prom dress.


But they do have it in all white, if you like it.

"Ahhh! Where's the next frelling dress? Can we hurry this up? V's gotta be getting bored to death by now."

Nah, he's having fun cheating at chess with Maude Buttons. He keeps bringing her husband Sam home from work, so I figured it'd be nice if he was friends with her too.

"Um... does this one make my ass look fat?"

No, but the bump map on it will drive me insane I think. Let's try something else.

"You're sure it doesn't make my ass look fat?"

If it'll make you happy, I'll ask the band not to play "Baby Got Back."

"Please, please tell me we're almost done. These dresses are all starting to look the same to me. And I think I'm developing an allergy to taffeta."

Oh there are only a few dozen more to try on...

"Aaaaahhhh! What's the punishment for strangling your controller?"

I was joking. Sheesh. There's one more for you try on and I think we're done.

"Is it a pretty dress? Will V like me in it?"

You've tried on lots of pretty dresses.

Except for the one that made my ass look fat.

*sigh* Well, I like this dress.

"You liked the seafoam one too."

Just try the frickin dress on. I like it and I'm sure you'll like it. V would like you in anything; you could show up at the altar naked and he'd still like you.

"Well I'd hope that he likes me naked, considering how often we..."

Can you please just try the dress on sometime this century? Oy. This trip has turned into an ordeal with you.


"Gawd, you were right about something for once."

Just once?

"This is a nice dress. And it doesn't make my ass look fat."

Are we agreed then? Can we work with this one?

"Yeah. I like this one. It's pretty. Even though if it's up to you, it's probably going to be months before I get a chance to wear it."

Hey, I wasn't planning on making you guys wait that long.

"Damn, these things don't come cheap, do they?"

Feel lucky, it's one of the few things that are cheaper in the Sims than in Real Life.

"Oh, hey, I've got something I really need to try on before we leave. This'll take a few minutes. Hold my shopping bag, will ya?"

You've tried on all the dresses I'd picked out. What else do you need to try on??

*facepalm* I should've known. She had someone she needed try on, not something. Considering how often they've... *cough* ahem... checked the fit, you'd think they'd be sure by now. *snicker*

And if they thought their photo booth antics drew a crowd, wait till they get done here.

Heh. I could've warned them, if K2 had mentioned what she was up to.

Vlad doesn't seem too thrilled to discover they have an audience...

Although I think K2 is going to be the one to have long term issues with it.

-- Chapter 10 --


Blogger Oydie said...

Hehe K2 is pukey.
I love the dress, and I guess we will be seeing the wedding a bit earlier than you planned? *smirk* K2 got what she wanted LOL.

April 25, 2007 at 2:54 AM  
Blogger MysticSpirit said...

HaHA! Now we get DOWN to it! Captain A's wants get fulfilled again! HOOHA! Can't wait to see what their spawn looks like. Are they gonna get married sooner then?

April 25, 2007 at 7:41 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Good intentions and all that. Looks like K2's road to hell was paved with good intentions.

May 9, 2007 at 3:39 PM  

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