Chapter 10
When we last saw K2, she was throwing all my well thought out plans and ideas completely out of kilter by... well... throwing up. It seems Risky WooHoo came back to bite K2 and Vlad in the ass in the changing booth of the bridal boutique.

Hey, this doesn't look like your house.
"It's not. I stopped over to see how V was doing and felt sick. That damn bad chili is still bugging me."
I don't think that's the chili. But you can't be here right now. Pick yourself up and head back over to your place. I need you to do something.

"And just what do you need me to do?"
Put on that nice dress you picked out while you were staring at Brandon Lillard downtown...
"I wasn't staring. I've got V. I don't need to stare at anyone."
Yeah, well V is who you need to call once you've got your dress on. Invite him out of dinner. Someplace nice, like Londoste. And someplace without photo booths or changing rooms.

"You know, I could've just asked him out when I was over there."
You still would've had to change clothes. It was easier this way.
"You gonna tell me what's up with all this? These shoes pinch."
I like the dress, so deal with the shoes. As for why, I'll explain later.
"Gods, you're annoying."

So, has Vlad arrived yet?
"Yeah, he's over at the podium, waiting for the hostess to seat him."
Good, we've got a couple minutes to talk them.
"Quiet, you're interrupting my ogling. I hope the hostess takes a bit to get to him. I've got a nice view from here."
Would you stop staring at Vlad's ass long enough to listen to me? You're going to ask him to marry you tonight.
"Excuse me, did you just tell me I'm proposing to him tonight? What happened to your big plan to make us wait forever and a day?"
Circumstances have... ah... changed.

"Are you sure it has to be tonight? I'm really not prepared for this."
You've got an engagement ring in your pocket already, if you'd bother to check.
"How the hell did that get there?"
Game secret.
"Yeah, well I still don't know what to say to him."
Don't worry. It'll come to you. But for now, pay attention to him; he'll think you're ignoring him otherwise.
"Pfft. Like that would ever happen."

"So... ah... V... that annoying voice that you keep ignoring and never talking to... yeah... well, she wanted me to invite you downtown tonight."
Since when have I been annoying?

"It seems she has some big master plan all laid out for me... er, you... er, ah... us. And, just so you know, it was awesome being with you in college. And since we graduated. And... um..."
Oh, this is going swimmingly. Keep it up and he's going to suspect you're dumping him.
"Would you just shut up?! I'm nervous enough without the peanut gallery chiming in."
All right, I'm shuttin up.

"So... um... V... would you marry me? Because I really love you and... um... don't want us to be apart any more."
And she's pregnant.
"Did you say something?"
Nope. Been quiet as a clam over here.

"Well, he said yes, so I'm sure you're happy."
I gathered that from the ring. Like I expected him to say anything else.
"Yeah, but I still half expected him to say no, since you come with the bargain as a tag-along. He was never fond of having you hanging around in college and once we're married, you'll be everywhere."
Can't be helped; you are one of my sim-selves. But just because you are a sim-self doesn't mean you're actually sim-me. We're definitely quite different. And you're the one he's in love with and marrying, not me.

"Would you stop it with all the confusing multi-simcarnation philosophy s##t?"
As long as he realizes you are not necessarily me. I'd hate him to get mad at you because he's peeved at me or anything. I hear he's got quite the temper lurking under there.
"So what do we do now?"
Why don't you head over to the other room...

and ask Vlad to dance.
"But if I ask him, I'll have to lead. I can't lead. I have only two outgoing points.
That's never stopped you from trying to be in charge before.
"Well... all the moves are different when you lead."
Oh what the hell is up with this suddenly shy act? Or are you just trying to weasel out of dancing? I see the want in both your panels.
You know the steps to lead aren't that different; my prof covered them in my ballroom dance class. Besides, you're doing a simple box step not the Argentinian tango.
"Grrr... fine then!"

Mao, I'm... um... just not going to say a thing.
Yeah, I know there were some moves in swing where the guy did the spin but... *snicker*... nothing like this.

And about five seconds after I snagged this pic, hands began roaming everywhere.
"Hey! My hands were right where they were supposed to be the whole time!"
I never said they were yours.
Heh. Sims and their autonomous socials.

See what I mean. Usually it's K2 who does these things on her own.

Wow, you guys were out all night. You can't be doing that.
"What do you mean I can't be doing that? Do you know something I don't?"
It's just you need your sleep.
"Yeah well clock will reset back to last night once I get back home, so I'll be able to get plenty of sleep. So shaddup and let me call the taxi."

It was no surprise that it was a dream date; engagements tend to guarantee those. But where was K2 while her beloved dropped off flowers?

Yep, trying to avoid losing it all over her dress.
"Dang it, that chili is still coming back to haunt me."
I don't think the chili is to blame.
"Well I doubt a classy place like Londoste served me bad food."

Okay, K2, I need you to do something for me now.
"Like what?"
Stay right there. Don't move, don't do anything, and don't make the clock move.
"Just what the frell are you babbling about now? I was getting ready to take my newspaper out to the trash. What you mean I can't move or do anything?"
I've got a very short window of time to pull off several things, most importantly your wedding."
"What's going on? One minute you're telling me it'll be a while before V and I move in together, and now you're rushing me to get engaged and married? *looks suspicious* What gives?"
You're a bright girl. I'm sure you'll figure it out. Meanwhile, the next time I see you, it'll be your wedding day.
"Hey! Wait! Get back here! I want to know what the f..."
*fades out*
-- Chapter 11 A --

Hey, this doesn't look like your house.
"It's not. I stopped over to see how V was doing and felt sick. That damn bad chili is still bugging me."
I don't think that's the chili. But you can't be here right now. Pick yourself up and head back over to your place. I need you to do something.

"And just what do you need me to do?"
Put on that nice dress you picked out while you were staring at Brandon Lillard downtown...
"I wasn't staring. I've got V. I don't need to stare at anyone."
Yeah, well V is who you need to call once you've got your dress on. Invite him out of dinner. Someplace nice, like Londoste. And someplace without photo booths or changing rooms.

"You know, I could've just asked him out when I was over there."
You still would've had to change clothes. It was easier this way.
"You gonna tell me what's up with all this? These shoes pinch."
I like the dress, so deal with the shoes. As for why, I'll explain later.
"Gods, you're annoying."

So, has Vlad arrived yet?
"Yeah, he's over at the podium, waiting for the hostess to seat him."
Good, we've got a couple minutes to talk them.
"Quiet, you're interrupting my ogling. I hope the hostess takes a bit to get to him. I've got a nice view from here."
Would you stop staring at Vlad's ass long enough to listen to me? You're going to ask him to marry you tonight.
"Excuse me, did you just tell me I'm proposing to him tonight? What happened to your big plan to make us wait forever and a day?"
Circumstances have... ah... changed.

"Are you sure it has to be tonight? I'm really not prepared for this."
You've got an engagement ring in your pocket already, if you'd bother to check.
"How the hell did that get there?"
Game secret.
"Yeah, well I still don't know what to say to him."
Don't worry. It'll come to you. But for now, pay attention to him; he'll think you're ignoring him otherwise.
"Pfft. Like that would ever happen."

"So... ah... V... that annoying voice that you keep ignoring and never talking to... yeah... well, she wanted me to invite you downtown tonight."
Since when have I been annoying?

"It seems she has some big master plan all laid out for me... er, you... er, ah... us. And, just so you know, it was awesome being with you in college. And since we graduated. And... um..."
Oh, this is going swimmingly. Keep it up and he's going to suspect you're dumping him.
"Would you just shut up?! I'm nervous enough without the peanut gallery chiming in."
All right, I'm shuttin up.

"So... um... V... would you marry me? Because I really love you and... um... don't want us to be apart any more."
And she's pregnant.
"Did you say something?"
Nope. Been quiet as a clam over here.

"Well, he said yes, so I'm sure you're happy."
I gathered that from the ring. Like I expected him to say anything else.
"Yeah, but I still half expected him to say no, since you come with the bargain as a tag-along. He was never fond of having you hanging around in college and once we're married, you'll be everywhere."
Can't be helped; you are one of my sim-selves. But just because you are a sim-self doesn't mean you're actually sim-me. We're definitely quite different. And you're the one he's in love with and marrying, not me.

"Would you stop it with all the confusing multi-simcarnation philosophy s##t?"
As long as he realizes you are not necessarily me. I'd hate him to get mad at you because he's peeved at me or anything. I hear he's got quite the temper lurking under there.
"So what do we do now?"
Why don't you head over to the other room...

and ask Vlad to dance.
"But if I ask him, I'll have to lead. I can't lead. I have only two outgoing points.
That's never stopped you from trying to be in charge before.
"Well... all the moves are different when you lead."
Oh what the hell is up with this suddenly shy act? Or are you just trying to weasel out of dancing? I see the want in both your panels.
You know the steps to lead aren't that different; my prof covered them in my ballroom dance class. Besides, you're doing a simple box step not the Argentinian tango.
"Grrr... fine then!"

Mao, I'm... um... just not going to say a thing.
Yeah, I know there were some moves in swing where the guy did the spin but... *snicker*... nothing like this.

And about five seconds after I snagged this pic, hands began roaming everywhere.
"Hey! My hands were right where they were supposed to be the whole time!"
I never said they were yours.
Heh. Sims and their autonomous socials.

See what I mean. Usually it's K2 who does these things on her own.

Wow, you guys were out all night. You can't be doing that.
"What do you mean I can't be doing that? Do you know something I don't?"
It's just you need your sleep.
"Yeah well clock will reset back to last night once I get back home, so I'll be able to get plenty of sleep. So shaddup and let me call the taxi."

It was no surprise that it was a dream date; engagements tend to guarantee those. But where was K2 while her beloved dropped off flowers?

Yep, trying to avoid losing it all over her dress.
"Dang it, that chili is still coming back to haunt me."
I don't think the chili is to blame.
"Well I doubt a classy place like Londoste served me bad food."

Okay, K2, I need you to do something for me now.
"Like what?"
Stay right there. Don't move, don't do anything, and don't make the clock move.
"Just what the frell are you babbling about now? I was getting ready to take my newspaper out to the trash. What you mean I can't move or do anything?"
I've got a very short window of time to pull off several things, most importantly your wedding."
"What's going on? One minute you're telling me it'll be a while before V and I move in together, and now you're rushing me to get engaged and married? *looks suspicious* What gives?"
You're a bright girl. I'm sure you'll figure it out. Meanwhile, the next time I see you, it'll be your wedding day.
"Hey! Wait! Get back here! I want to know what the f..."
*fades out*
K2 hasn't figured out where the 'chili sickness' is from yet?? HAHA! I can't wait to see their wedding. She will be a pretty bride if she ever gets that far.
Keth .... WHERE did you GET that DRESS?!?! Do they have other colors? I'm MUST know!!
Wow ... K2 has some worries now. You're freakin' her out, Keth. I wonder what's going to happen when she finally figures out what gives with you ordering her to get engaged and married. HEH-HEH-HEH!!!
LOL! What have you done to Vlad, Keth!? He's... he's a big old sissy boy! Twirling like a little ballerina, OMG!
/nearly dies of laughter!
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