Chapter 4
Behind the Bear... er Scenes

"Ow! Did you see what she did! She poked me! With those damn pointy little nails of hers."
Um, you might want to move your hand
"I'm rubbing the spot where she poked me. I think she drew blood, the #*@%$."
That's not what it looks like you're going from this angle. And can you blame her? She came back from class to find you all wrapped up in the arms of the man she was making a play for.
"Well, that'll teach her to go and try to muscle in on my V. She can go find someone else's arms to wrap herself up in."

She's already got someone else. You remember Rory."
"Farm Boy? Well he's a family sim so I suppose that is kind of a attraction thing for them. Why anyone would want to have a whole houseful of kids is beyond me. All the crying and diapers and constant waddling around. Ugh."
Careful there. You might have to get used to it.
"Say what!"
Nothing, nothing at all.
But yes, while Selene was trying desperately to win Vlad away from K2, she was also very much in love with Rory. The poor guy never knew what hit him. And, by being in love and doing the things that being in love prompts you to do (especially with ACR), they discovered why Havarti Hall is also known as Stalker Hall.

Vlad is pretty monogamous with his stalking, however.

And even K2 is rather specific with her stalking subject
"I wasn't stalking him!"
Then why are you staring at him while he's naked in the shower?
"I was... ah... er..."
Yes? I'm waiting.
"I was checking to see if his shower needed cleaned. It's so much easier to get the soap scum off when it's still damp."
Uh-huh. Sure. Remington did a very good job of cleaning the bathroom when he was here earlier. Try another reason.
"Grrr... you're not going to let me jump him in the shower, are you?"
I don't have that mod downloaded. Sorry. You'll have to talk to Captain Angelia about that.

K2 has a stalker other than Vlad, however. Y'all remember Clay, Vlad's arch enemy, don't you?

I just don't understand Clay. He's got a sweetie, Laurie, among the dormies and he never seems jealous of K2 when she's with Vlad. In fact, he seems weirdly happy when he watched them (stalker!) I think he's less interested in her than he is with annoying Vlad.

And he lives to annoy Vlad. They have a deep and thriving enmity that they've cultivated over the past few semesters. They'll actively go out of their way to harass the other.

The kitchen seems to be their favorite sparring arena, probably because Clay tends to stay in his room otherwise... unless he's getting busy with his girlfriend Laurie in the "rumpus room" *waggles eyebrows*

And Mao, I don't know if something happened to my copy of Vlad when I downloaded him or what, but I never expected to find him crying like a little girl over a slapfest with a dormie.
Yes, K2 and V are in their undies. I'll leave y'all to figure out why *snicker*

This is a terribly common sight when Vlad and Clay get together. Seriously, if they don't have a fight every other day, something's wrong. Oh, and the cheering? Yeah, the cook and Clay's girlfriend Laurie are the only people who cheer for him. Everyone else urges on Vlad.

See, even complete strangers (the Cheerleader) root for Vlad. That or more people are worried of about Vlad getting his ass kicked than Clay (but that's only happened twice)

Look familiar? Yeah, K2 won't play chess with him anymore because he cheats rampantly.

But then, he met his match when he asked dormie Arcadia Baena to join him. She busted him every time he tried. I thought it was because she was a mean sim too, but I checked her stats I found that wasn't the case. She is a bit on the serious side (3) so that may be it.

The Dart Board. The Bane of my existence, since my sims (the dormies too) are idiots and will ignore their orange and red needs to play with the damn thing. I got rid of the pool table because it was driving me bonkers. I'm so tempted to get rid of the board too, but its one of the few sources of fun I've left in the place.

"Hey, I've got one of those bad feelings again."
I don't know why. Vlad is asleep and Selene is playing chess with Rory.
"It feels like something is going to happen. Could I have Simmy Sense, like Spiderman?"
No, I'm the only one with Simmy Sense and it ain't going off right. So go outside and trim your lemon tree. It needs some lovin'
"I need some lovin' too, dammit! I haven't had sweet lovins in almost two days!"
"I told you, Vlad's asleep. Now go tend your tree.

Look! It's everyone's favorite policeman, Officer Dorian. I've missed you Dorian. The last time I saw you was when your ghost wandered by for your granddaughter's birthday party over with my original legacy. You gave my gen 3 heiress 10 gorgeous children; I'm especially grateful that you gave most all of them your nose.
But if Officer Dorian is here, that can only mean one thing. It's secret society time.

"Dude! WTF? Do I look like WOOTO? Do you see any frelling feathers? I am so not doing the chicken dance with you. Though you are kinda cute.
And if you were part of a legacy I'd marry you off to him so fast your head would spin.

"What the hell does me mean about 'gardening outside of regulated gardening hours'?"
Wow, who knew those Gardening Society Members were so strict with their rules.
"What! You knew this would happen and you sent me out to trim this damn tree anyway?"
No, I didn't know this would happen. Not exactly.
"Oh, I was so frickin right! I knew something bad was going to happen. I do have some sort of farking Simmy Sense, and you poo-pooed it."
Nothing bad is going to happen. Now stop struggling and go with the nice policeman.

"Ew, I don't want to get in there. The driver's icky. I'm not attracted to him."
"Lady, it's not like you're going to be doing anything with the driver. Now get in the car. I've got four other pick ups to make tonight after we drop you off."

"Hey Ray. And Allyn? Ally, you're here too? What's going on? This doesn't look like the Garden Society Lockup.

That's because it's not. You've just been inducted into the secret society. About time too. It only took us until your senior year. Hey, where are you going?
"Ray's going to show me how to... ah... hack my grades. Yeah, that's what he's going to show me."

Welcome back. Nice of you to finally return home. It's almost sunrise. And shouldn't you be wearing your secret society suit?
"There was a fire at the society. Some idiot left a pop tart in the oven and caught it on fire. My suit is all sooty so it's at the cleaners."
Sure it is. Don't make me go check the security tape.
"Officer Dorian let me keep the handcuffs."

Well, K2 continued to deny that anything happened while she as the secret society, and her grades were suspiciously better the next day, so she may actually be telling the truth. Vlad was apparently a little on the suspicious side because the next morning he trotted over to Ray and got up in his grill.
I'd be a little more concerned there Ray. Vlad holds a grudge; look how long he's been fighting with Clay.

I'll end this chapter with a shot of one of the two sun rooms I added on to the dorm. This one, off the library, houses the hot tub. The other one, off the kitchen, has the workout tv and the stereo.
V crying like a sissy AND ignoring Selene. And Selene flirting with a farm boy?! I've tried forever to get her attracted to anyone and nothing. Wow. These two are like AU versions in the extreme sense.
I've actually never had Vlad cheat during chess. Then again, he only ever played with Luna...
LOL, "got up in his grill"... ah geeze, ahahaha...
"I'm not WOOTO" Ah, my fine feathered friends. *chuckle* Well Keth sure is having a time with old Vlad. Perhaps Vlad is defending her honor??
HA! Crying like a sissy. *snickers* Maybe my Vlad is too family oriented to cry about stuff. After all, he's expecting his SIXTH child with SimMe. ;O>
Secret society time! HOOHA!
Who knew Vlad would end up being such a girlie-man?
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