Sunday, April 29, 2007

Chapter 12

Well, our happy couple has finally made it to their new home in one of the outer suburbs of Free Cheese. Their combined nest eggs bought them a nice little place.

Good thing too. With one on the way, there's not much time for a lot of house hunting. They've found a good place to get started out in.

"Yep, it'll be just Me, V, and baby makes three."

Well, baby might make it three or four, depending on if you're carrying twins.

"Hsst! Stop interrupting our horribly cute familial moment."

Fine fine, I'll pan back and get a shot of the front of the house, now that the limo has pulled away. Once they've earned a little more money I've got another place selected for them to move up to.

Someone remind me to install those anti-pedestrian garage doors too.

Hey now, that doesn't look like your 'cute familial moment.'

"How do you think I got in the family way in the first place, hmm?"

I think it actually involved a quickie in the changing room, not making out on the front walk. What will the neighbors say?

"The neighbors can bite me."

Oh, and K2, you might want to rethink about asking Vlad to carry you across the threshold. There's a bit more of you than usual for him to carry.

"Are you saying I'm fat?"

No, you're pregnant; poor Vlad would be carrying two of you through the door, and he looks to be having a bit of an issue with it.

"Well, he better not drop me, that's all I have to say."

Um, haven't you done that enough recently?

"Hello! Just got back from the honeymoon. New house, new bed. Of course we've got to try it out. That and they wouldn't let us do it in the limo. Now go away so we can get busy here!"

Fine. I'll go feed the cat or something. Spook's sitting under my desk trying to gnaw my toes off anyway.

Something amiss there K2? You two were finished when I got back, so I know I didn't catch you in the middle of doing anything.

"I... I... I'm in Maxis maternity wear!"

Yeah, and?

"Ohmigawd! Get it off! Get it off! It itches."

Oh settle down. We'll go change it here in a moment.

Right now, why don't you head on downstairs. Your husband managed to not burn lunch, and your hunger bar is nudging towards orange.

"That was nice, but now my fun bar is dropping. What's there to frickin do in this place?"

Well, there's a couple nicely stocked bookcases and an easel in the front room. Or maybe you'd prefer a little fishing in the pond out back. Or...



"That's my MP3 player! I've been wondering where the hell that damn thing disappeared to."

Vlad's had it since graduation.

"He has?! That weasel! Oh I'm going to be giving him what for for this! But first, I need to rock."

And K2 stole her MP3 player back from Vlad. These two are too cute to watch when they're rocking out together.

And I never had glare problems like this until I installed Seasons *sigh*

Gratuitous 'talk to baby' screenshot *chuckle*

There. How's that K2? Better than the Maxis preggo wear?

"Much better. And sweatery too."

We are heading in to fall

"So what else is there to do in this place?"

Look! Knowledge Sims in their natural habitat!

A skilling knowledge sim is a happy knowledge sim.

I bought Vlad a telescope, as he'd spun up the want for it. I was even nice and did not buy him the one that was marked 10X (for ten times the magnification, right? Right?)

And where was K2 while Vlad was out staring at the stars (and the neighbors?)

Well, a skilling, pregnant knowledge sim fast becomes a hungry pregnant knowledge sim. With predictable results.

I hope those croutons are comfy.

Vlad has a very good cooking skill, but every time I turn around he's burning something. Luckily I think he's only set the kitchen on fire twice, once in college and once in the pink house. Maybe twice at college. He always looks so dejected when it happens though.


What's wrong lil camper?

"I'm tired and cranky and hungry and my salad's nasty and I've got a crouton stuck in my..."

I'm not sure we want to know where the crouton is stuck, considering you've been sleeping on them.


Look on the bright side. You're still gold. That means you can go use the energizer out in the backyard.

"Energizer? When the hell did we get that?"

I just whipped it out of your backpack a few minutes ago. Now go out and recharge.

Unfortunately, K2 never made it that far. We'll just let her sleep a little bit and then stick her the contraption to juice her back up.

See. Come dawn and she's all ready to go.

Careful there K2. Keep making noises like that and Vlad is going to think you're messing around with Clay again in the backyard.

"I never messed around with him in the backyard."

Probably the only place.

Since you're all revved up and ready go to, why don't you use some of that new found energy to tidy up the backyard? There's tree crap all over the lawn.

"*grumble* Damn trees *mumble* Damn Seasons *bitchmoan* Damn leaves falling over everywhere *complain* Damn controller making a pregnant gal clean 'em all up."

"What's that? You're hungry? Yeah, I can't blame you. I'm hungry from all the damn raking too."

But you earned a cleaning point from it.

"Let's go see what's in the fridge."

You're in luck. Vlad left you some chili. Hopefully he managed not to burn it this time.

"Well, it doesn't look burned."

Hey, I guess Vlad cooked something right for once.

"It wouldn't matter if it was burned. I'm so hungry I could eat a frickin' horse."

Sorry, even though I have Pets, there are no horses in the game. How about a nice llama hedge to nibble on instead?

"Ewww. No. I'll just take the chili, thanks."

Vlad is in the gamer career, because I haven't had anyone complete it yet. He's at the top of the career now and just got the chance card for it... This one I got right... §65,000 simoleons! Woot! I could move them into the other home I had picked out for them if I wanted to now, but I think we'll stay here for a little while longer.

"Eww, these are really frelling gross, you know that. Why the hell do I have to drink this? Can't I have a nice salad or something? Maybe some of that leftover chili Vlad left."

"Do you remember what happened the last time you had a salad? You're energy's pretty far in the red and romaine doesn't make a very good pillow. I've explained before that you can't fall asleep in an instant meal."

"Well don't they have any other flavors, like chocolate or butter pecan?"

Your flavor choices are "pasta water", "industrial waste", and "medical" Which would you prefer?

"You've got to be frickin' kidding me, right... Right?

I finally got the tired and cranky, but no longer hungry, K2 up to bed... who immediately woke up because she had to pee.

You're looking kinda big there K2. You sure that's not twins your carrying?

"You know all sims look huge after our last bump. There's no way to tell if I'm having twins or not by the size of my bump. But if they are twins, I'll strangle V."

Sorry, can't do that until you have a son. But Vlad has shown a tendency to father twins.

"Gods I hope this is a boy. I'm supposed to be doing the career thing right now."

You're up with the chickens K2.

"I was starving. V said he'd make me breakfast once he got up, but I couldn't wait that long."

You should have. There's just something about coming downstairs to find a nicely put together man making you breakfast.

"Sounds like the voice of experience there, controller."

Oh yeah. But then he found out the hard way why I reminded him to either use an apron or put on a shirt before he fried the bacon.

*snicker* *snort*

Don't choke on the eggs. That would be bad.

Ah, pancakes. Yeah, it's kinda hard to burn yourself making pancakes.

Er, is there something wrong there K2? You haven't finished your omelet and your hunger bar is still yellow.

"Ah! Sorry! Can't finish it. I must've grabbed some bad eggs or something. They didn't smell rotten when I broke 'em open.

Ah, feeling kinda crampy?

"Yes! Ah! Ow! Dammit, if you knew the eggs were bad, why'd you let me eat them."

The eggs are fine. You're in labor, silly.

"Ow! What?!"

Yep, you're going to bringing a new little Vlad Jr or Vladette into the world here shortly... or at least you will be next chapter.

"WHAT! Oh you are so not leaving me this $*@%!#& way through the whole chapter break!"

It seems like the perfect place to wrap things up for the moment. Just keep doing your breathing and it'll all be over soon.

"Oh I so $*@%!#& hate you!"

-- Chapter 13 --

(More... )

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Chapter 11B

The Ceremony

Never thought we'd get here, did you? Yeah, it's been a difficult trip...

and that was just getting the bride and groom to the arbor and the guests away from the free food. We won't even mention what it took arrive at this date to start with (and why it's a little earlier than I'd planned).

So, um, K2... you're looking a little less than thrilled there. Don't tell me that after all this time and all you've been through, the thought of getting married is turning your stomach? Or, heaven forbid, you're suddenly finding Vlad less than an appearing partner. There are people out there, including me, who would hurt you if that were the case.

"Shut Up! I still find V as tasty as I ever have. I'm just feeling a little queasy. I think I had some bad shrimp off the buffet."

We didn't have any shrimp on the buffet.

"Well then it still must be that bad chili from the other day."

Hmm... I don't think that's the reason, but if you say it is...

"Would you stop speculating on why I'm all urpy? It's like you've never seen someone with food poisoning before."

I've seen many a sim with food poisoning. I've even accidentally caused it a few times (Sorry about that V. I meant to hit "clean up" not "eat") I don't think you have food poisoning.

"Whutevah. Are you done harassing me on my wedding day?"

Only if you're done nearly puking on the groom.

"I wasn't going to puke on him."

Well then I'm done harassing you. Let's get this ceremony started.

Hey, I tried to get her realize what was going on, but she keeps missing the clue bus.

Oh, and since I suck at writing vows and since Vlad doesn't talk to me (so I wouldn't know what he was saying for vows anyway) the actual exchange of rings is a nice little pictorial you can scroll through at your leisure. Or click on the pictures to get the big honking straight-from-the-game screenshots if you're curious about the details or anything.

After the ceremony, most of couples tend to hug or kiss or even start dancing... well, except for Texas and Waylon; they bitched about not being able to play kicky ball. What do the new Mr. and Mrs. Black do? Congratulate each other. *facepalm* Can't I get a nice kiss or something for the camera?

Hey K2, Vlad looks a little surprised and not look too happy with you there. It's a bit late to back out now. Don't you know that if you're going to leave him at the altar, you need to do so before you say "I Do"?

Oh. Heh. I guess that's why. Feeling a little pukey I see.

"You're not helping things. I'd love to stay and pose for all sorts of lovey dovey pictures for you, but I'm in a bit of a hurry here. I would really prefer not to bring up those bad shrimp all over my dress."

I told you we didn't have shrimp on the buffet. And you don't have food poisoning.

She'll figure things out eventually.

Careful! Don't close your train in the...





... door. *snicker*

*snicker* Oh, this picture is going in their wedding album, that's for sure.

Hey! Laurie! Don't stand on the bride's train when she's puking!

I tell ya, no respect for the pregnant.

"Whew. I really wish I could figure out what the hell I ate that's making me so sick."

And I'm telling you, it's not something you ate.

"This is going totally ruin the honeymoon if I have to keep running to the bathroom every five minutes."

You already celebrated your honeymoon in the changing room. Why do you think you keep getting sick?

"And now I'm fricking hungry again. I'm always hungry. I'm surprised I still fit in my dress."

Well Vlad is waiting for you to cut your wedding cake. Please promise me you won't shove the cake in his face.

"Mmmmm... cake."

You know, I don't think he's staring at the cake. Ray, who's right behind him, certainly isn't. *snicker*

"You're absolutely positive this dress doesn't make my ass look fat?"

You looked at it in the mirror yourself. It doesn't. Why?

"I just have the feeling that it's being stared at. My Simmy Sense you know."

And I've told you before, you don't have 'Simmy Sense.' *rolleyes*

If you, ah, haven't gathered already I've pulled a lot of things from the new Celebration pack. I kinda like the look of the new wedding cakes. Maybe Waylon will stop calling them WooHoo Cakes now.

"Did someone say WooHoo?"

I had a pic of Vlad feeding K2 cake as well but it grew legs and wandered off somewhere. Not like it was any different. I'm trying to figure out how, with 8 playful (which outweighs her 6 neat) K2 managed to not stuff the cake in poor Vlad's face

"Because you asked me nicely not to."

And you actually did what I asked you? *boggle*

Well the happy couple managed a Roof Raiser party without any problem, so it was no surprise when the limo showed up to whisk them away on the honeymoon. Not like they need one.

"Hurry up and get in the car V! You're in my way."

You could use the door on the other side.

"They have two doors? One for each of us? Wow."


And the gratuitous "in the limo" shot. Don't shut your train in the door K2.

"Oops. Heh. Thanks for reminding me."

K2, this... ah... doesn't look like the new house the two of you were supposed to be moving to after the wedding. Why'd you have the limo stop here?

"I wasn't feeling good and didn't want to puke in the limo. I mean, how embarrassing. I'd get it all over the seats and my dress and V and... just... ew."

And would you care to explain to me why Vlad is looking at you really strangely all of a sudden?

"I don't know. I thought the fresh air would make me feel better but I just feel more weird now. Kinda bloaty and heavy."


Well, that could be because you just had your first bump.

"Excuse me? My first what?"

Your first bump. You'll have a couple of those before you give birth.

"You're serious! I'm pregnant?"

Why do you think you were throwing up every five minutes. I told you you didn't have food poisoning.

"But we never tried for a baby. We were going to wait for the honeymoon."

Hey, fooling around in the changing room has its risks.

"No wonder you suddenly were in such a rush for us to get married."

Now she catches on.

While I wasn't that concerned about whether your little one was born before or after the wedding, I would kinda prefer that he or she has the last name Black, not Wardenclyffe.

"Why? What's wrong with my name?"

Nothing. Just... Sim-Deity prerogative.

Now, I hate to break up all the cuteness and belly rubbing and stuff, but you two do have a house to move into. Could we move this along, please?

"All right, we're heading to the next chapter. Pushy controller. Take it easy on the pregnant lady, would ya?"

-- Chapter 12 --

(More... )